Nasal aesthetic surgery, which eliminates some medical problems and deviations in the nose region, is one of the most popular surgical applications today. It is also applied to people who are not satisfied with the nasal structure, except in cases of necessity, and dissatisfaction is eliminated with rhinoplasty surgery.
Surgery that reshapes the nasal bone and giggles is very important in terms of making all the functions of the nose much more functional. It is safe and has no complications and is an effective method to improve facial appearance. There is no scarring after nasal surgery. Since the incisions in the operation are only in the inner regions of the nostrils, no external scarring is seen. The healing process lasts approximately 7 days. Nasal wing bands are also used after surgery.
Symptoms such as swelling and bruising after the operation disappears within two weeks on average. Persons who have undergone this surgery should avoid heavy sports for at least one month and should not wear glasses unless required. The complete recovery process of the nasal esthetic surgery takes about 1 year. With this operation, some breathing problems are eliminated and aesthetic needs are met.